A digital course that will help you spark a fearless version of you.


Do you want to boldly live who you were made to be?

Are you looking for a clear path forward?

Do you want to live your next steps with intentional and authentic purpose?

Are you feeling overwhelmed, unsure, and without clear direction?


If you answered yes to any one or more of these questions, then this course is for you!

You will have what you need to move from the uncertainty to the clarity and confidence to live fearlessly.

We are made on purpose, with purpose, and for a purpose.

Gaining awareness of where we have come from and where we are going gives us clarity on where we want to go, and who we want to be.  Discovering who we were made to be gives us the confidence to move forward fearlessly, leaving bold and authentic influence. 

Like most women, I am a nurturer and take care of everyone else first. Through working with Janice I now have a better understanding of who I am, and why – My Purpose! I have a different sense of confidence and recognize the importance of understanding ME so I can be the BEST ME. By practicing daily gratification, goal setting and dreaming BIG, I have discovered that I have so much more to offer to my family, and beyond.



 ...The individual activities and discussion allowed me to gain clarity on what I want going forward in life, career and relationships. Taking the time and been given the space in this course, to identify my own issues, helped me to also recognize some patterns which have caused problems for me. It was so impactful and I can go forward now with more intention and purpose! Janice really gets it and has a gift in being able to support women! Highly recommend her services.



Find awareness and close the gap between your past and present.  Use your life map, core values, and passions to discover who you are, and then identify your why and own it!


Take an indepth look at the power of our thoughts and how they shape how we live.  Put into place tools that will equip you to reframe and shift your mindset to light your fire of confidence.



Put into practice the tools and practices that will equip you to keep your spark of fearless living going. Set your intentions and build a resilient mindset with powerful practices you can use every day.


Dive into your dreams and goals and look at what is holding your back from reaching them.  Set a strategic action plan for your next steps to create movement with confidence.

Bonus Module

Module 5 - This bonus module will give you a deeper understanding into your unique purpose and how to live it with strength and authenticity.  

In Module 5 you will:

*have access to another 5 lessons

*look deeper at living on purpose, with alignment, and without apology

*create your own personal life purpose statement

*receive a StrengthsFinder assessment and report

*have a 1on1 coaching call with myself.

You will have everything you need to live in clarity of who you were made to be, with the self-confidence and authenticity to reach your full potential and lead with purpose.

Yes! I want Ignite Your Confidence Modules 1-4 for only $347.00
I want the whole package! Give me all of Modules 1-5 for only $497.00